Web Development Portfolio

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Steven Francisco

I recently finished a 4 month course at Epicodus in Portland, OR. While at Epicodus I immersed myself in their curriculum, learning how to write code. This course required a very hands on approach to programming and building apps from the ground up and I embraced that challenge. The course program I chose included Ruby, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails which are some of key tools used in web development today.

After completing my course at Epicodus I was afforded an internship with Spotcolor Marketing. During my time at Spotcolor I learned how to build and maintain a variety of websites. My main focus during the internship was to build a website for a non-profit that works with troubled youth in Oregon City. That was a rewarding first “real world” project for me as I felt it was for a very worthy cause. I’m quite proud of how it turned out too,(see here). I also helped troubleshoot issues that arose from other clients' websites and was an integral part in providing resolutions in those scenarios. It was a great opportunity and gave me first-hand knowledge and experience in meeting the customers' needs.

What I love about programming is its abstract nature and all of the epiphanies that occur throughout the learning process. As an artist, I'm interested in the creative aspects of programming and hope to explore new avenues of creativity in this field.

The rapid evolution of technology is one of the most significant things happening in my lifetime and I'm excited to be a part of it. I would like to somehow make the world a better place with my newfound skillset.

Currently, I'm in the process of getting my own start-up going that specializes in developing WordPress websites. My business site can be seen at 503design.com.

Contact info:

Ready to start your next project with me? That's great! Send me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

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